• Meet the main candidates hoping to be the next president of France

    21 Apr 2017 | Economic News


Emmanuel Macron – the investment-banker-turned-politician


The 39-year-old could become the youngest ever president of France. If opinion polls prove to be correct, Emmanuel Macron will get enough votes Sunday to advance to the runoff.

The former investment banker served as economy minister in the last Socialist government and has promised a Nordic-style economic model for France — making spending cuts of 60 billion euros ($64.4 billion) while also implementing a stimulus package of 50 billion euros. Macron is perhaps the most pro-European candidate in this election. The centrist politician is running as an independent. The latest polls project he will finish first on Sunday', but only with about 25 percent of the votes.

Marine Le Pen – the far-right candidate who wants to take France out of the EU


The leader of the Front National has been neck-and-neck with Macron in the past weeks. She is seen as a threat to old establishment politics, claiming she will take France out of the euro zone and out of the European Union. She has promised to cut taxes and increase social benefits, but her main pledge is to cut immigration by 80 percent. She is calling for a tax on companies hiring foreign workers. 

Francois Fillon – the frontrunner no more


The conservative candidate had everything in his favor to become the next president until allegations over misused public funds emerged and dented his chances. Once the frontrunner, Fillon is placing third in most poll projections ahead of Sunday's vote, but only about 6 percentage points below Macron.

Fillon is also a strong advocate of reduced immigration and of imposing restrictions to immigrants' social benefits. In economic terms, the member of the conservative Republican Party wants to cut spending by 100 billion euros over five years and to lower taxes for companies and individuals

Jean-Luc Melenchon – the surprise of the election


The far-left candidate wasn't a well-known figure outside France, but his recent surge in opinion polls raised eyebrows among investors and commentators. If Melenchon were to advance to the runoff, France could be faced with a final choice between the far-right and the far-left.

The head of La France insoumise (Unsubmissive France) is tied with Fillon in the latest polls with 19 percent.

Reference: CNBC

Read More: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/20/meet-the-main-candidates-next-president-of-france.html

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